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Christian Package 2

Christian Package 2

Starting From UGX2,500,000


This package is inclusive of the services listed below.

The following are included in this package:

  • Executive Coffin (600,000)
  • Embalming
  • Beautification
  • Dressing and Handling
  • Pallbearers (Professional Body Handlers)
  • Lowering Device, Coffin Tent & Trolley
  • Family Wreath and 4 Carnations on stands (Flowers)
  • Condolence book and 4 Radio Announcements
  • Post Funeral Appreciation text Messages
Executive Coffin
At Uganda Funeral Services we make custom coffins upon request. For the person being honored, we create not just "a" casket, "their" casket—a creation that is unique to them and reflects their being.


Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them to forestall decomposition. This is usually to make the deceased suitable for public or private viewing as part of the funeral ceremony or keep them preserved for medical purposes in an anatomical laboratory.

The art of doing makeup on a dead body. Applying makeup on a dead person is not much different than on a living person, one funeral director says.

As preparations are made for a funeral or memorial service for a loved one, often the question arises, "How do funeral homes dress bodies?" What clothing is considered appropriate for the deceased to be wearing? Are there special guidelines that must be followed? Once the body has been prepared, attention should be given to several items to assure the most meaningful memorial experience possible.

A pallbearer is one of several participants who help carry the casket at a funeral. They may wear white gloves in order to prevent damaging the casket and to show respect to the deceased person.

Lowering Device, Coffin Tent and Trolley
These are some of the accessories that support placing coffin in the grave, making grave site set-up attractive, safe and professional.

Family Wreath, 4 Carnations on stands (Flowers).

These are flowers in variety of colors symbolizing love for the deceased

Condolence book and 4 Radio Announcements

This item enables one let family and friends aware of a beloved's passing and also show sympathy to the grieving.

Post Funeral Appreciation text Messages.

Losing a loved one is sad and depressing but you shouldn’t forget to thank the people who mourned with you and were there to support you. Go ahead and show them your appreciation it will really mean a lot to them and for you as well in expressing you gratitude.

Frequently Asked Questions

Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them to forestall decomposition. This is usually to make the deceased suitable for public or private viewing as part of the funeral ceremony or keep them preserved for medical purposes in an anatomical laboratory.

Pallbearers is are  several participants who help carry the casket at a funeral. They may wear white gloves in order to prevent damaging the casket and to show respect to the deceased person.

This when the deceased is prepared and dressed up in attires for viewing and gathering making the moment memorable for family members and friends.

An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave as a sign of sympathy and mourning.

Sanda also known as Kafan is the cloth or gown or sheet that is used to wrap the corpse before it is buried according to Muslim burial traditions.

The art of doing makeup on a dead body. Applying makeup on a dead person is not much different than on a living person by doing this leaves nice memories of the deceases' last moments other than the damaged body full of stitches.

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