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Professional Counseling

Professional Counseling

Starting From UGX500,000


Counseling, or bereavement counseling, is designed to help people cope with the loss of a loved one. A  counselor can help you develop methods and strategies for coping with your loss and grief in line with one's spiritual living. counseling provides bereaved people with an avenue to discuss their feelings and emotions, helping them discover ways to ease the grieving process.

Grieving a natural reaction to any form of loss, especially someone’s death. It goes beyond mere sadness and often evokes feelings of confusion, doubt, guilt, anger, and other complex emotions.

Counseling is recommended especially for individuals whose grief:

  • Interferes with daily activities.
  • Causes feelings of guilt or depression.
  • Makes it harder to carry on with their own lives.
  • Causes problems in existing relationships.

Apart from helping you cope with your loss,  counseling lets you.

  • Treat your trauma.
  • Express your emotions.
  • Address feelings of guilt you may harbor.
  • Build a strong support system to help you carry on.
  • Come to terms with your new reality.

We have qualified healthcare professionals who provide therapy to clients grieving the death of loved ones. This supports  them through the stages of grief and help them resume their lives by planning treatment, facilitating therapy sessions, and help regain your Spiritual being.

Living with the pain of unresolved loss is unhealthy and can lead to complicated grief, which is more severe, long lasting, and difficult to remedy.