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UFS Packages

Uganda Funeral Services

Uganda Funeral Services offers a wide range of products and services in order to support SMEs in their business in the domestic and international market.

Christian Package 1

Christian Package 1 Starting From UGX950,000

This package includes an executive coffin, embalming, beautification & dressing making the deceased suitable for public viewing.

Christian Package 2

Christian Package 2 Starting From UGX2,500,000

This package includes pallbearers Lowering Device, Coffin Tent & Trolley, Family Wreath & 4 Carnations on stands,  Condolence book etc.

Christian Package 3

Christian Package 3 Starting From UGX3,640,000

This package includes Grave Construction in cement and paint up to the Slab Level; inclusive of items in packages 1and 2

Christian Package 4

Christian Package 4 Starting From UGX4,200,000

This package includes Grave Construction in ceramic tiles upto the Slab Level inclusive of items in packages 1, 2 and 3 all together.

Moslem Package

Moslem Package Starting From UGX1,350,000

This Moslem package includes Jennazah cleansing with covering drape, Pallbearers, Post Funeral Appreciation, Sanda Condolence book etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are G7BILL

G7BILL is the leading billing automation platform powering tens of thousands of companies.

Our mission is to simplify and automate all aspects of operations for online companies. Handling everything from customer signup, to provisioning, management and support, G7BILL provides a single centralized platform for managing your online business so that everyday tasks become quicker, easier, and more efficient.

Abdi Joseph CEO of TheG7

The story of G7BILL began back in 2013, when as the owner of a web hosting business himself, Abdi, our founder and CEO, embarked on a mission to make something better.

G7BILL was created with the aim of being a one stop solution, offering client management, recurring billing and integrated support tools in a single centralized platform that made everyday tasks quicker, easier, and more efficient.

Specialising in online and digital services, since 2015, we have been enabling online companies to automate more of their operations, reduce costs and deliver a better experience to their end users thanks to our integrated platform.

Known for our rapid feature release cycles and highly extensible platform, G7BILL quickly gained popularity among the web hosting community as a powerful, feature rich and highly customisable platform and thanks to the open and extensible nature of our platform, G7BILL soon developed a strong following among the very active web hosting developer community.

Today we are the platform of choice for online automation, with a wide range of integrations included as standard including integrations with all the leading web hosting control panels, domain registrars and cloud service providers along with a feature rich core platform that provides online businesses with the tools they need to be successful.


This refers to the maximum outstanding balance you can have on your account without being penalized. It can in simple terms be comparable to a flexible loan offered to you by a credit institution. On top of what you may have on your account, the credit institution would offer you a credit limit that allows you to go beyond your current account balance.

NOTE: Managing your credit limit is important both for staying out of debt and building a good credit score.

  • Uganda Funeral Services as your credit issuer determines how much your credit limit is when you apply for one which usually depends on the level of trust from the company but also whether you give a security deposit or not. The instution assesses your income, current debt level, and credit history to make its decision. If you have a history of late payments or a significant amount of debt compared to your income, you may be approved for a low credit limit to start.

  • Upon assessing your credit score, you are then required to sign a contract with Uganda Funeral Services that includes other terms and conditions for you to get the overdraft on your account. Once you have signed the contract, you are then eligible to withdraw money even if your account has zero balance on it which means that your account would ultimately have a negative balance.

  • Uganda Funeral Services will charge you a daily compound interest on the negative balance that is on your account. Meaning as long as you have a negative balance on your account, 1% of that amount will be the charge you have to pay back as an interest. For instance in case you have withdrawn an overdraft of 100,000/-, you will be charged 1000/- the following day.

The basic credit limit without any security deposit is coming as 4 people with each qualifying to receive UGX 100,000 however, if you are reasonably unhappy with the credit limit you have received, you can request a bigger one through providing security deposit.

You typically won't know your credit limit until you've completed an application and it is approved.You will be offered a credit limit or an overdraft depending on whether you have given a security deposit or not or for a basic level if you meet the requirements set forth below. With your credit Limit, you will be able to withdraw money upto a negative balance on your account.

This means that if you have no balance on your account, Uganda Funeral Services will offer you up to a maximum of 100,000/- for the basic level where you offer no security deposit. In cases where you are to offer a security deposit, Uganda Funeral Services will offer you an amount of money that is half of the market price of the security deposit that you offer.

The basic credit limit without any security deposit is coming as 4 people with each qualifying to receive UGX100,000 however, if you are reasonably unhappy with the credit limit you have received, you can request a bigger one through providing security deposit.

  • You need to be 4 people to have access to the credit limit offered by UFS. Each of you will qualify to receive a credit limit of 100,000/= which you can also request for should you be interested.
  • You will all be required to register for an account with Uganda Funeral Services if you have not already done so.
  • You will also be required to submit your National IDs/Passport IDs for your identification
  • You will then also be required to fill in a form which you will be signing, scanning and then re-submitting for approval. You can be able to access and download the form from here


There are two ways through which you can register for an acccount as explained below:

Using the Online Uganda Funeral Services Portal

  • Visit our website to signup for an account in case you do not have one and if you already have one, you can simply signin.
  • Follow our link here to learn about how you can submit your documents to our team for approval
  • After you have logged in, navigate and click on your name at the top right hand corner and select My Profile.
  • Locate My Documents and attach a soft copy of your ID which can be your passport ID, Driving Licence but preferably the National ID in case you have not already done so. Once it is approved and you have already signed the above contract for your Credit Limit, you chaould have access to the funds in your account. If on the other hand you have not received it, you can contact our team so that you can be advised.
Using WhatsApp

You can alternatively use the WhatsApp option to be able to register and be eligible to receive the Credit Limit. You can be able to do so as follows;
  • Add our WhatsApp number of +1 619-664-4376 to your numbers
  • Send a Hi message to it where you will then receive an automated response from Uganda Funeral Services
  • Select option number 9 of My Account and follow the prompts to submit your National ID
  • You will then be given a response that your documents have been received
  • Wait for your documents to be verified by the Uganda Funeral Services team
  • Upon verification, you will then be eligible to not only send but also be able to withdraw funds


Uganda Funeral Services will renew your credit limit every time that you pay it up. This means that if you had a credit limit of say UGX100,000 and you withdrew say UGX50,000, if you paid up the UGX50,000 plus interest you can then be able to qualify again for the UGX100,000 credit limit.

Your credit limit may not stay the same the entire time the credit limit is given to you. If you use your credit wisely and make your daily payments on time, you can be approved for periodic credit limit increases, sometimes without having to request them. Similarly, your credit limit can be lowered if you fall behind on payments or if your debt increases to a level that Uganda Funeral Services deems risky

You can make purchases all the way up to your credit limit. You may not be able to go over your credit limit, though, if you haven't opted-in to having over-the-limit transactions processed. If you don't opt-in, transactions that could put you over your limit will be declined.

For more information, please email us on or call us on (256) 414 535678
According to Uganda Funeral Services, profile rating is a process where by your level of trust is determined based on the number of star stars that you have in your account. This means that the more gold stars you have in your account, the more trustworthy you are to the company as well as the more benefits you are eligible for.

  1. What does your profile rating mean
  2. Why you need a profile rating
  3. What is identity
  4. Purpose of verifying your identity
  5. Significance of identity verification
  6. When is the verification of identity required
  7. How is the verification of identity carried out


Your rating score reflects the quality of your account profile as well as your ability to be eligible for certain benefits. Uganda Funeral Services uses this score and other stats from your profile to determine your level of trust as well as your ability to get certain benefits which otherwise you would not get if you had no rating.

If your star in your account is star (gray) in color as can be seen in the screenshot above, it means your account will have some limitations on it such as you will not have the ability to withdraw, you will not have access to a credit limit among other benefits that are provided by the company.

If the star in your account on the other hand is gold as can be seen in the screenchot above, it means that you atleast have one star in your account which gives you access to certain benefits such as mentioned before. You earn one gold star when you have provided your identification documents such as your National ID or Passport ID.


Identity verification is a step beyond identification although it is still a step short of authentication. When we are asked to show a driver’s license, national id, passport, or other similar form of identification, this is generally for the purpose of identity verification, not authentication. This is the rough equivalent of someone claiming the identity "Kizito John," us asking if the person is indeed Kizito John, and being satisfied with an answer of "Sure I am" from the person (plus a little paperwork). As an identity verification, this is very shaky, at best.

We can take the example a bit further and validate the form of identification—say, a passport—against a database holding an additional copy of the information that it contains, and matching the photograph and physical specifications with the person standing in front of us. This may get us a bit closer, but we are still not at the level of surety we gain from authentication. Identity verification is used not only in our personal interactions but also in computer systems. In many cases, such as when we send an e-mail, the identity we provide is taken to be true, without any additional steps taken to authenticate us.

Verifying your identity is not only a necessity as a KYC requirement but also it allows you to get more benefits that you would not get without verifying your identity such as ability to withdraw funds or access to credit limits offered by Uganda Funeral Services


Identity is the set of unique traits and characteristics associated with a unique and irreplaceable individual. This becomes essential when we talk about people and especially within the online environment, where identity theft is a more common phenomenon than we think. Uganda Funeral Services carries out identity verification upon document submission where after a user earns one gold star and then the color of their star changes to gold from the gray color.


As more transactions move online, digitization of the ID verification process can drive significant efficiencies and create new channels for businesses to serve their customers; such as taking manual, face-to-face verification and streamlining it via online platforms. While many business processes are being modernized via digital technologies, ID verification is still slow, manual and prone to human error.

Unfortunately, ineffective manual ID verification is common place across both B2C and B2B companies. This typically results in bad customer experiences, fraud, and failure to maintain regulatory compliance. For many organizations, the ability to accurately verify ID in a timely manner is essential for business to function, allowing for the creation of contractual agreements, compliance with regulations, and delivery of services to customers.

By using digital technology to automate ID verification, organizations provide a smoother and more consistent experience for employees, customers and staff. This technology helps make it possible to onboard new employees who are working remotely, by scanning I-9 forms validating employee IDs digitally. Crucially, it minimizes risk by providing higher signer assurance, and facilitates compliance with regulations like Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML).


Maintain or Improve Your Reputation: Reputation is incredibly important for businesses of all sizes. In an age where there is so much consumer choice, it’s easy for people to hop from one brand to another if they don’t get exactly what they want. On top of this, trust is more important than ever before as consumers actively seek out businesses they can rely on. In an era of continual data breaches, consumers want to know that their information is safe. By running identity verification checks, this signals that you’re serious about building trust in what’s becoming an unsafe online world.

Avoid Costly Fines: Most businesses simply can’t afford a huge fine of this size, which is why AML and KYC systems are so important. AML refers to a collection of regulations, laws, and procedures that have been specifically constructed to stop the practice of declaring illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. This goes hand-in-hand with the need for KYC, which is essentially the process businesses go through to identify their customers and assess the risk of illegal activities.

Adhering to both of these protocols is important if you want to avoid costly fines – or, in some worst case scenarios, imprisonment. Implementing streamlined, efficient identity verification software and practices aligns with AML and KYC requirements, which means businesses that use them sidestep any potential fines. There are plenty of other individual rules and regulations that apply to businesses too depending on where they’re based and the customers they serve.

Avoid Costly Chargebacks: Credit card fraud makes up a huge portion of the total number of identity fraud cases every year. When businesses began allowing their customers to use credit cards for online purchases, it became far easier to commit fraud since most transactions fell into the “card-not-present” category. As a result, people would fraudulently use credit cards that weren’t theirs to buy goods online and, once the real owner of the card found out, would cancel the transaction.

Without being able to identify and trace the original fraudster, the business would be liable to pay back the money. This is known in the finance world as a chargeback. Unfortunately, they can be a costly part of business for companies that accept credit card payments (the industry standard rate is 1%). Identity verification stops this in its tracks by fully verifying each and every customer. For many businesses, preventing costly chargebacks is simply a case of revising identity verification protocols for card-not-present transactions so that they incorporate one or more identification methods (say, for example, facial recognition or a two-step verification process).

Tighter verification methods can also stop cases of “friendly fraud” in its tracks, too.Verification of identity increases customer trust because it creates a higher level of confidence that a person is who they say they are. Identity verification also ensures that there is a real person behind a process thus preventing both a person from carrying out a process on our behalf without authorization, and creating false identities or commit fraud.

Avoid Fraud and Money Laundering Concerns: Even an accusation of money laundering – however small – can spell the end of the road for a business, regardless of its size. As a result, organizations are leaning more and more towards using risk-based models that incorporate identity verification to assess which users might be high risk. They can then use this data to create authentication levels based on the risk potential of certain transactions (and then mark those that are good and those that might be fraudulent accordingly). This is becoming increasingly important as the business landscape gets more and more digitized. Making sure customers are who they claim to be is a major component in creating digital trust.

Improve Customer Experience: Today, consumers want a customer-centric experience with every business they buy from, and a great user experience strives to reduce any barriers that consumers might have while simplifying processes. The term "frictionless" is often thrown around in relation to good identity verification processes – this means not asking the customer for too much information and instead obtaining information about them in other places.

This means you can create a well-oiled, digital workflow that eliminates most – if not all – need for manual entry and paperwork which can often take a number of days to process. As a result, customers get a smoother onboarding experience and, more importantly, can get instant access to your product or service.


Verification is needed as soon as you have registered for an account. However, this does not prevent you from receiving a payment from your clients who may want to make a payment to you. In such cases where you may not have your ID with you, UFS would allow you to receive the payments but then require to submit your ID when you are going to withdraw the money.


Uganda Funeral Services will do a preliminary investigation on the documents that you submit to make sure that there is consistency in the person creating the account. This is done by matching the names on the ID submitted with the account that was created. In case these two do not match, your ID will not be approved otherwise if all is OK, your documents will be approved by the Uganda Funeral Services team.

Thereafter where necessary, Uganda Funeral Services may even contact you where necessary to confirm if you are who you say you are in regards to the submitted documents.

For more information, please email us on or call us on (256) 414 535678

Who are Sales Agents?

Sales Agents are also known as Securities and Commodities Sales Agents and they basically do business on behalf of individuals, businesses and or organizations with authorization. Their job is to basically buy and sell securities in investment and trading firms and develop and implement financial plans for individuals, businesses, and organizations.

What do Sales Agents do?

Sales Agents keep accurate records of transactions by reviewing all security transactions to ensure accuracy of information and conformance to governing agency regulations.

They do also carry out the following tasks:

  • Complete sales orders and submit them for processing of client-requested transactions.
  • Contact prospective customers to determine customer needs, present information, or explain available services.
  • Interview clients to determine clients’ assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status, or financial objectives.
  • Discuss financial options with clients and keep them informed about transactions.
  • Develop financial plans, based on analysis of clients’ financial status.
  • Analyze market conditions to determine optimum times to execute securities transactions.
  • Review financial periodicals, stock and bond reports, business publications, or other material to identify potential investments for clients or to keep abreast of trends affecting market conditions.
  • Inform and advise concerned parties regarding fluctuations or securities transactions affecting plans or accounts.

For more information, please email us on or call us on (256) 414 535678

What are Agent Payments?

Sales Agents are also known as Securities and Commodities Sales Agents and they basically do business on behalf of individuals, businesses and or organizations with authorization. Their job is to basically buy and sell securities in investment and trading firms and develop and implement financial plans for individuals, businesses, and organizations.

What do Sales Agents do?

Sales Agents keep accurate records of transactions by reviewing all security transactions to ensure accuracy of information and conformance to governing agency regulations.

They do also carry out the following tasks:

  • Complete sales orders and submit them for processing of client-requested transactions.
  • Contact prospective customers to determine customer needs, present information, or explain available services.
  • Interview clients to determine clients’ assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status, or financial objectives.
  • Discuss financial options with clients and keep them informed about transactions.
  • Develop financial plans, based on analysis of clients’ financial status.
  • Analyze market conditions to determine optimum times to execute securities transactions.
  • Review financial periodicals, stock and bond reports, business publications, or other material to identify potential investments for clients or to keep abreast of trends affecting market conditions.
  • Inform and advise concerned parties regarding fluctuations or securities transactions affecting plans or accounts.

For more information, please email us on or call us on (256) 414 535678
As per regulations, we are required to know our customers (KYC). We therefore will need you to submit your documents in order to have your account verified and limits lifted off from it. The documents you will be required to submit are dependent upon the account that is being created.

Below you will find some of the types of accounts that you can be able to open up and the required documents for each. You can jump to particular sections of these documents by using the following links below:

  1. Individuals
  2. Limited Companies
  3. Sole Proprietor
  4. Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs)/Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions/ /Money Lending companies
  5. Non-Governmental Organizations
  6. Community based organizations, Clubs and Associations
  7. Faith Based Organizations – Churches, Mosques etc
  8. Schools, Education Institutions
  9. Partnerships
  10. Embassies
  11. Trusts
  12. Political Parties
  13. Ministries/Public Sector/Government
  14. Banks Financial Institutions
  15. Why should you submit your documents?
  16. How do you submit documents to Uganda Funeral Services?

IMPORTANT: It is important that the necessary documents are submitted correctly as without correct documentations, your account will be limited in transactions.

What kind of documents can you submit to Uganda Funeral Services?


The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for individuals

  1. Identification Documents (Acceptable IDs)
    • National IDs, Passports, Employment ID, Driver’s License and NSSF Card. Preferred ID ➢ National ID
    • Passports are the ONLY acceptable form of identification proof for foreign nationals and Work Permit/Certificate of residence
    • FATCA form for US Nationals
    • Refugees: Refugee ID Minors: The minor’s information, birth certificate/Health cards and photos must be obtained. While the minor’s Guardian who will operate the account MUST provide Individual requirements
    • Students: National ID/Student ID
  2. Proof of residence/ address verification include any of the following
    • Letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office
    • Utility Bills in the customer’s name and not older than 3 months
    • Where utility bill is not in the name of the customer obtain a copy of the tenancy agreement
    • Letter of recommendation from employer
    • LC Letter confirming residence
    • Letter from School/ University administration in case of students
    • Bank statement from existing or previous bank bearing the current customer’s address.
    • Certificate of residence for foreigners
  3. Proof of Income/Source of Income
    • Letter of recommendation/appointment/confirmation from employer
    • Payslip not older than 3 months
    • Declaration of Income form
    • Trading License
    • Work Permit (only applicable to Foreign Nationals)
    • Financial statements for a company older than a year
    • Memorandum/Articles of association for a company that has been in existence for less than a year

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for Limited Companies

  1. Certified board resolution to open account stating authorized signatories
  2. Certificate of Incorporation certified by the Company Registrar
  3. Certified Memorandum and Articles of Association
  4. Certified Particulars of Directors and Secretaries i.e. Form 20 (formerly form 7)/Notification of change of directors and company secretary
  5. Certified copy of Particulars of Business Address i.e Form 18 (formerly form A9)
  6. Trading License. A company licenced under a different law, should submit a copy of the applicable license
  7. Tax Identification Number (TIN), or Tax Exemption Certificate
  8. Company search
  9. Identity Documents of related parties and beneficial owner.
    A beneficial owner is an individual with shareholding > 10%, A related party is a Director and authorized Account Signatories.
    • Letter of recommendation/appointment/confirmation from employer
    • Payslip not older than 3 months
    • Declaration of Income form
    • Trading License
    • Work Permit (only applicable to Foreign Nationals)
    • Financial statements for a company older than a year
    • Memorandum/Articles of association for a company that has been in existence for less than a year

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for sole propretors

  1. Certificate of registration of Business Name Certified by the Company Registrar
  2. Statement of particulars pursuant to the registration of business name
  3. Trading License
  4. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
  5. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • a letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for SACCOS
  1. Certified copy of the certificate of registration of the SACCO issued under Cooperatives Societies Act
  2. License from Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions Authority
  3. Constitution/ By Laws or Certified Memorandum and Articles of Association of the entity
  4. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties such as Directors and Account Signatories. (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID for refugees)
  5. Minutes authorising account opening and appointing current management and signatories
  6. Letter requesting for account opening stating signatories
  7. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • A letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office.
    • Proof of Address i.e. Certified copy of company form 18 (formerly A9)
The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for NGOs.
  1. Certified Copy of License from the NGO board
  2. Certified copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation
  3. Constitution/ By Laws Or Certified Memorandum and Articles of Association
  4. Registered resolution indicating the current Board members/Executive committee & period of validity in office. In case of any change another resolution and Minutes electing the current sitting Board should be shared
  5. Authorization to Open account duly signed by Board Members/ Executive committee stating signatories
  6. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
    • National IDs, Passports, Employment ID, Driver’s License and NSSF Card. Preferred ID > National ID
    • Passports are the ONLY acceptable form of identification proof for foreign nationals and Work Permit/Certificate of residence
    • FATCA form for US Nationals
    • Refugees: Refugee ID Minors: The minor’s information, birth certificate/Health cards and photos must be obtained. While the minor’s Guardian who will operate the account MUST provide Individual requirements
    • Students: National ID/Student ID

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for CBOs, Clubs and Associations
  1. Authorization to Open account duly signed by Board Members/ Executive committee stating signatories
  2. Minutes of meeting resolving to open the account and stating signatories
  3. Constitution/ By Laws or Certified Memorandum and Articles of Association
  4. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
  5. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • a letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office
    • Proof of Address i.e. Certified copy of company form 18 (formerly A9)

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for FBOs, Churches and Mosques
  1. A recommendation letter to open an account from the Vicar/Secretariat of the religious faith for the mainstream churches/mosques
  2. Authorization to Open account duly signed by Board Members/ Executive committee stating signatories
  3. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
  4. Constitution/Charter
  5. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • a letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for Schools, Education Institutions
  1. School Registration Certificate issued by Min of Education & Sports for private institutions
  2. License from the Ministry of Education for private institutions
  3. Authorization to Open account duly signed by District or Town representative (CAO or District Education Officer or Town Clerk) OR Board Members/ Executive committee stating signatories
  4. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
  5. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • A letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for partnerships
  1. Certified Certificate of Registration
  2. Certified copy of Partnership Deed
  3. Certified Statement of particulars pursuant to the registration business name.
  4. Authorization to Open account duly signed by Partners stating signatories.
  5. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees).
  6. Tax Identification Number (TIN), or Tax Exemption Certificate where applicable
  7. Trading/Operating License.
  8. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained;
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • A letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office
The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for Embassies
  1. Authorization to Open account duly signed by the Ambassador stating Signatories.
  2. Identity Documents of Primary and related parties, Directors, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees).
  3. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained;
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months,
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address.
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • Letter of authorization to open account indicating address on letterhead
  4. Tax Identification Number (TIN), or Tax Exemption Certificate
  5. Group Sanctions Desk Authorisation

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for individual
  1. Certified Certificate of registration
  2. Certified copy of Trust Deed
  3. Certified Resolution/ Authorization to Open account stating signatories
  4. Identity Documents of persons having senior management positions or trustees of the trust, Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
  5. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for Political Parties
  1. A certified copy of their registration Certificate from the Electoral Commission.
  2. A certified copy of the party Constitution that is filed with the Electoral Commission.
  3. A Resolution of the party to open an account stating signatories
  4. Identity Documents of the Party President, Secretary General and Treasurer of the party and account signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees).
  5. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
    • Letter of authorization to open account indicating address on letterhead

The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for ministries/public sector/government
  1. Letter requesting for opening of account signed by: Town Clerks/Permanent Secretaries/Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)/Executive Directors stating signatories
  2. Letter of authorization for account opening from the Accountant General or Board of the Public-Sector entity.
  3. Identity Documents of Directors and Account Signatories (National ID for nationals OR Passport for Foreigners OR Refugee ID and Refugee attestations for refugees)
  4. Proof of Address any of the following below can be obtained
    • Letter of Authorisation indicating address
    • Recent Utility bills not older than three months
    • Bank Statement bearing customer’s address
    • Tenancy or Lease Agreement
  5. Proof of residence/ address verification include any of the following
    • Letter from a public authority or embassy or consular office
    • Utility Bills in the customer’s name and not older than 3 months
    • Where utility bill is not in the name of the customer obtain a copy of the tenancy agreement
    • Letter of recommendation from employer
    • LC Letter confirming residence
    • Letter from School/ University administration in case of students
    • Bank statement from existing or previous bank bearing the current customer’s address
    • Certificate of residence for foreigners
  6. Proof of Income/Source of Income
    • Letter of recommendation/appointment/confirmation from employer
    • Payslip not older than 3 months
    • Declaration of Income form
    • Trading License
    • Work Permit (only applicable to Foreign Nationals)
    • Financial statements for a company older than a year
    • Memorandum/Articles of association for a company that has been in existence for less than a year


The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant in the process of creating an account for Banks/financial institutions
  1. Certified Certificate of Incorporation (Notarised for foreign banks)
  2. Certified List of Directors and Secretary/Trustees i.e. Form 7/20 (Notarised for foreign banks)
  3. Certified Memorandum and Articles of Association. (Notarised for foreign banks)
  4. Latest Annual Report
  5. Valid Operating License issued by the respective regulator
  6. Profile of Senior Management and Board
  7. Proof of Address i.e. Certified copy of company form 18 (formerly A9) or License indicating address for foreign banks/extract from the regulators website indicating the bank’s address
  8. Certified Board Resolution/ Authorization to open account/SWIFT request for foreign banks
  9. Tax Identification Number (TIN), or Tax Exemption Certificate / W8-BEN form
  10. Copy of the AML policy
  11. Wolfsberg Questionnaire (Not older than 6 months)

Why should you submit your documents to Uganda Funeral Services?
  • They act as proof of Identification
  • They help protect your funds
How do you submit documents to Uganda Funeral Services?

Attaching and submitting your documents to Uganda Funeral Services is so easy. The following are the instructions to guide you on how to submit your documents
  • Login to your Uganda Funeral Services Account
  • Navigate and click on your name at the top right hand corner
  • Select my profile from the drop down menu
  • Locate and click on the documents tab
  • Navigate and click on the Add button
  • Enter the details such as the subcategory, document name and some comments
  • Click on Save Document
For more information, please email us on or call us on (256) 414 535678
There are two ways through which you can be able to trigger a password reset through the system. You can either do so before logging in to your Uganda Funeral Services account by using the reset password feature on the login page or if you are already logged in to Uganda Funeral Services account, you can use the change password feature.

Either way, your password will be changed and in this article we will be explaining the two ways to have it changed.


Having a secure, unique password for each of your online accounts is critically important. If a scammer gets just one password, they can begin to access your other accounts. That’s why it’s important to have a strong, unique password for your Uganda Funeral Services login.

A strong password should have the following characteristics:

  • More than 8 characters long
  • Use lower case, upper case, a number, and a special character [like ~!@#$%^&*()_+=?><.,/]
  • Not a word or date associated with you (like a pet's name, family names, or birth dates)
  • Use a password that you'll be using only for your Uganda Funeral Services account
  • A combination of words with unusual capitalization, numbers, and special characters interspersed. Misspelled words are stronger because they are not in the dictionary used by attackers.
  • Keep your password secret. We'll never ask for your password by email, instant message or phone
  • Something you can remember
The following are the ways through which you can be able to have your password changed through the system by using the feature to:


  • Go to the login page and click on forgot password as shown in the attached figure below
  • Enter the email address associated with your Uganda Funeral Services account for you to receive the reset password
  • Login to the respective email address and look for the reset password that has been sent to it

For security reasons, Uganda Funeral Services will not inform you if the email address you have entered is correct or wrong. Please make sure that the email address you enter is the one that you used at the time when you were registering for your Uganda Funeral Services account.
Please note that after obtaining the reset password, you will still be required to change it once again after you have logged in to your account to the one of your own choice. As such you will get a password reset page waiting for you to change that reset password to a new one.


Navigate to the top right hand corner and click on your name to open a menu as shown in the figure below.

Click Change Password

Enter your old password followed by the new password.

If you can't remember your old password, you can reset it on the login page and check the email associated with your Uganda Funeral Services account for the reset password.

Click Save Credentials
How to fix common issues that can affect the password reset process I can't find the password reset email in my inbox

If you have asked the system for a password reset and after a couple of minutes you still haven't received the password reset email:

  • Please ensure to check your spam/junk folders in case the email has been filtered out.
  • Some email software sends filtered emails to their "deleted folder" or "waste bin" even though they also have a spam folder, so make sure to check there as well.
  • If you do find the email in any of these folders, please make sure to whitelist our email address.
The password reset email isn't arriving and I already checked my junk/deleted folder

If you have asked the system for a password reset and after a couple of minutes you don't have the email in inbox nor in junk/spam/deleted folders:

  • It might be better to wait at least 5 or 10 minutes rather than try requesting another password reset right away. This is in case your email provider is experiencing a delay in processing the email our system sent.
  • If you do decide to try requesting a new password reset email without having received the first one, please keep in mind that you might first receive the previous password reset email. In this case, the first email will have an expired password, because the reset passwords expire as soon as a new password reset is requested. Make sure to always use the absolute last password reset email you have received.

We recommend you change your password and security questions from time to time. There are a few cases where it's a good precaution, for example:

  • You notice something suspicious on your UFS account
  • You suspect that someone you don't trust has your password
  • You notice something suspicious in your email account or other online accounts
  • You have recently removed malware from your system
  • UFS asks you to change your password

If one of these occurs, change your Password, PIN, and security questions immediately. You can change these under personal settings.

If you receive an email asking you to change your password, it could be a case of phishing. Instead of clicking on a suspect link in an email, just log into your UFS account by manually typing the URL. Click the Settings tab, and then Personal Info. You will find the password, security questions, and PIN (if you've set one up) on this page.

Still need help?

Please email us on or call us on (256) 414 535678 and our team will be able to help you out.

Submitting a Ticket Request

When it comes to getting support from us at Uganda Funeral Services, submitting a support ticket is one of the best ways to request assistance. To help with this task, it can be helpful to realize the way that our ticketing system works.

In this article we'll go over the types of support requests, the differences between support requests, checking on the status of a support request, submitting a support request, adding details to a support request, and finally what we see when you submit a support request

Types of Support Requests

When submitting a support request, there are three different types of requests:

  • Non-verified question to our Customer Community:Non-verified question means that we will look into and respond to your issue in our public Q&A section of our website. These are typically for questions outside of the general scope of our Support Team.

  • Verified ticket submitted through AMP: This method is the easiest way to contact Technical Support. It is preferred because it provides a contact that does not require further verification.

  • Non-verified email to for Technical Support, or to for Customer Service Support: Non-verified email means you might have to confirm your account with either the current AMP password for your account or just the last 4 digits of the credit card on file.

Verified vs. Non-verified Support Requests

The main difference between a Verified and Non-verified support request comes down to the information we can relay to you, as well as any account changes that we can make for you.

If you just need to ask us a quick general question a Non-verified support request is fine. We will be able to provide general assistance (without making changes to your account) and will not divulge any account specific information. However, if your request requires that we give you specific information about your account or make any adjustments on your behalf, you must submit a Verified request.

IMPORTANT: If a Support requst is received and the verification is not provided or was provided incorrectly, then you will receive an email response from a Support representative asking you to provide the verification for your account, before we are able to provide specific information about your account or make any adjustments on your behalf.
NOTE: If you prefer to send your Support requests in via email, simply include either your account’s current AMP password or just the last 4 digits of the credit card on file in the body of your email. Your Support request will then be considered verified.

Submit a Support Request

When you need to submit a Support request to us there are two (2) methods you can use to submit a ticket.

Submit a Verified Ticket from AMP

  1. Log into [[UN]] Account.
  2. Navigate to Help Desk under Help & Info.
  3. Click the Submit New Ticket button

Submit a Non-verified Ticket via Email

If you would like to submit a Support request to us, by sending an email, you can simply send an email to us at

IMPORTANT: By default a Support request sent via email is not verified. If you need specific account information or need us to adjust something on your account, this requires a verified request.

Simply provide either your account’s current AMP password or just the last 4 digits of the credit card on file in the body of your initial email to verify your account.

Checking a Support Request Status

Once your initial request is received a ticket is created and queued. We answer all tickets in the order that they are received. There are only three possible statuses for tickets: open, hold or closed. While the ticket is in queue and/or being worked on, the status is open. Once a technician responds to your request, you will receive an email and the ticket will be closed. This email includes the technician’s response and the complete email thread (beginning with your initial request). When you reply to their email, the ticket is reopened with your response and again, handled in the order it was received.

WARNING: If you reply to your ticket (before it is closed/you receive a response from us) to check on the status, or to add more details/information, due to the nature of the system, your ticket will be moved back to the bottom of the ticket queue.
NOTE: If you would like to check on the status of your Support request you can start a Live Chat or give us a call at 0800-1-JOLIS (56547). Although we are only able to provide an “open” or “closed” status for your request, more specific details may not be available (depending on the circumstances) until your request has been fully investigated and/or closed.

Request Submitted

What You See

After you submit a ticket, you should receive a confirmation email from our system with your ticket ID.

Now you just need to wait while we review your support request in our ticketing system. You will get an email from us again once one of our support staff replies to your ticket. In this case they responded with the text “Staff response”.

What We See

When you first submit your ticket, it will be assigned to our Tier1 Support Team to investigate further.

Adding Details to an Open Ticket

If you need to add more details to your support request, you can simply reply to the email you receive from our ticketing system without altering the subject.

IMPORTANT: When adding additional details to your support request, this resets your ticket’s position in the ticket queue. To avoid this, you can start a Live Chat or give us a call at 0800-1-JOLIS (56547). Be sure to have your ticket ID and account verification on hand. Once you provide this to the Support representative, they will be able to “assign” the details you would like to add to the ticket. This will not change the position of the ticket in queue.

Need Immediate Help?

As always we are here to help, so if for some reason you need immediate assistance with your support request please start a Live Chat session with us or give us a call at 0800-1-JOLIS(56547).

An obituary is an announcement that someone has passed away, that is often printed in a newspaper or published online. Obituaries often include biographical information, a list of familial survivors, accomplishments, hobbies, and information regarding visitation, a memorial service, or a funeral service. Synonyms include mortuary tribute and death notice.

It is basically an announcement of a person’s death. It includes the day he or she died, a recent photograph, a short biography of his or her life, information about family members, and details about the funeral or memorial service.

Everyone should get an obituary. An obituary is the final published story of your life. And everyone deserves to have one.

Are you debating whether your family member needs an obituary? If you don’t want to write it or don’t feel confident writing it, ask another family member or friend. Uganda Funeral Service will also help you write one.

Obituaries are not mandatory. They are not required by law to be written or published. But … if you’re considering skipping the obituary because it’s too overwhelming to write or you don’t think you have the time, please reconsider it.

An obituary is the final tribute to your loved one, the final loving gesture you can give them to ensure the world remembers their contribution

This is a tough question to answer.

First, we suggest you politely decline writing this obituary and assign the task to someone else. Your feelings about this person are 100 percent valid and if you don’t believe this person deserves your time to write about his/her life, then you absolutely should not do it.

We believe everyone who lived on this planet should have an obituary to commemorate that life. But, you certainly don’t have to be the one to write it. Politely decline the task of writing the obituary and go spend some time with people you love and who love you back.

The easiest answer to the question of who to include in an obituary is all the people who loved and cared for the person who died.

It’s common to list all immediate family members: spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings etc

In 1996 In 1996 two siblings Freddie Katamba Mukiibi a lawyer and Regina Mukiibi, a banker made history when they registered a funeral service management company, the first of its kind in the country. It was registered as an investor by the Uganda Investment Authority in 2003.

At the time, management of funerals as a full-time occupation was considered rather odd. That however did not deter the siblings as they registered the country’s first professional funeral management company. Incidentally, it is the only company in the Great Lakes Region with a chair at the World Organization of Funeral Operatives based in the Netherlands. It is also a member of the National Funeral Directors Association based in Washington DC in the US. Perhaps even the Registrar of Companies at the time, had no idea that 20 years down the road the industry would blossom and attract more than a dozen other players.

According to Regina Naluyima Mukiibi, the Managing Director of UFS starting the company was a very risky venture.

“We took a financial risk, which is taken by any investor; but investors usually calculate their financial risks based on past experiences of similar investments and the reigning economic environment. We had no earlier reference point to bank upon; neither did we have any idea as to whether the environment for such a service in Uganda was good or bad at the time,” she notes.

“Today as we mark 20 years of the venture into the unknown, I believe God had been on our side,” she says. The idea of starting the service was a result of their many travels abroad.

“During these travels people get interested in various aspects of life. We were impressed by the dignity with which people abroad celebrated their funerals and the hygienic way they handled and buried their dead, and we wished it could be mirrored back home in Uganda. That was the spark,” she says.

Filling a health sector gap

Mukiibi notes that the other aim of the business was to fill the public health sector gap in sensitizing people with regard to the health hazards in mismanaging human remains. She says they also wanted to highlight and lessen the risks associated with some of the cultural and religious norms involved in traditional funerals.

“We wanted to transform the ugly and traumatic face of death into a more friendly and bearable event in people’s lives, and to relieve the already stressed bereaved members of the extra responsibilities of managing the funeral. We wanted totry as much as possible to preserve the God-given dignity of the human body even in death, to turn funeral management into an enviable, respectable and professional service to the community,” she explains.

Considering those noble aspirations, the advent of Uganda Funeral Services should have been a welcome development.

“Several dignitaries, Religious leaders, Government officials and widely travelled individuals who had witnessed similar services abroad, applauded the innovation, were very supportive, encouraging and openly asserted it was long overdue,” she says.

However a section of the community called the siblings all sorts of names. They were insulted and persecuted, but remained resolute and stuck to their vision.

“UFS has endeavored to team up with Insurance companies in an effort to design products that assist our clients to prepare for the inevitable funeral expenses in good time. Several organizations and individuals have gradually embraced these pre-planning programs, and many have already benefitted from this arrangement,” Mukiibi says. 


Mukiibi explains that the first major challenge they faced was the death of her founder brother Freddie, barely a year after they had launched the service.

“I was devastated and this could have meant the end of this venture had it not been for the encouragement of religious leaders, Ministry of Health officials, embassies, my former employers at the bank, my siblings and friends who made several logical arguments against my abandoning this noble industry,” she explains.

She adds that later on, she came face to face with objections from the area where she had invested to start the service. “They feared ghosts of the dead would come at night and haunt them. (I have never been attacked by any ghost in the 20 years of our operations). Well-wishers advised me to change location and helped me to find the current appropriate alternative location,” she explains.

Mukiibi adds that recruitment for such a unique industry was another big challenge, “Since I could not do this work alone, I had to recruit staff. Here I depended heavily on the youth who seemed to have a more liberal mind-set. Since there was no funeral science training Institute in Africa, I had to pay heavily to bring in expatriates from the US and Europe to train our initial staff,” she explains.

She adds “we were called names by several people, and that almost knocked me out! But prayer, and encouragement from friends, people who had seen these services abroad plus people who sympathized with our investment, kept me going,”.

Mukiibi says funeral management is still a very young industry which needs support to grow. The heavy taxes imposed on their services, she says have stunted growth of the industry. The need for people to bury their loved ones with dignity has grown but they are still crippled by the heavy taxation.

“The cost of funerals is relatively high because in Uganda burials are done at ancestral burial grounds rather than in organized cemeteries. This culture is not about to change. The cost of transporting the remains is significantly high,” she explains.

“The absence of approved regulations has also led some industry players to engage into bad practices.

Secrets of success:

Mukiibi attributes most of their success to friends and sympathizers. “It should be recalled that I had initially invested all my retirement benefits in this venture; so it was a do or die affair; and then, I felt I had to keep our grand idea alive at all costs. But above all, I devoted myself to very serious prayer,” she explains.

For Mukiibi funeral management is not an occupation, but a calling or vocation.

“If it had not been that, we would be doing something else. It is like attending to the sick for the medical professionals or going to war for soldiers. Our joy and our sustenance is in seeing the end result of our positive contribution which helps our clients in such a distressing situation,” she notes.

“We have succeeded to convince several investors that there is a gap to fill in the management of funerals. We now have close to 15 funeral management companies in the country. We have made funeral services much less traumatic, convinced several people to realise the need to give decent funerals to their loved ones and our services have received local and international accolade,” she adds.

UFS has won a Phenomenal Woman of Funeral Service Trail Blazer Award 2013 - presented at Austin Convention Center – Austin Texas, USA. In 2013 it was also honoured as one of the top 50 brands that have had a tremendous impact on the lives of Ugandans since Independence.

Due to her work, Mukiibi bagged the Uganda Investment Authority Best Woman Entrepreneur award (2007), Investor of the Year National Award 2009, Sustained Growth National Award 2009 and UWEAL Best Woman Entrepreneur 2004 (Senior Category).

Lala Salama Funeral Cover

The insurance arrangements in place cover individuals, families and organized groups. The annual premiums range between UGX 19,000= and UGX 200,000= depending on one’s choice of cover. Cash Pac: - This is a saving scheme for self, for parents or for anybody that may fall into one’s scope of responsibility in case of death. Cash Pac provides the saver with very favorable saving terms, and its funeral benefits are transferable to whoever you instruct UFS to take care of.

UFS Corporate Guarantee: - This is a corporate arrangement where a corporate body prepares itself for any eventuality of death among its staff or their dependents, and UFS guarantees the provision of the agreed services at a fixed rate over an agreed period of time.

All these programs and many others are meant to make it possible and easier to ensure decent funerals for our loved ones when the time comes. It is only prudent that all the general public avail themselves of these opportunities to have peace of mind with respect to eventualities of death.

‘This is where we take the opportunity to thank all the Organizations and families that have continually given us the confidence to handle the remains of their dear ones departed’

Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them to forestall decomposition. This is usually to make the deceased suitable for public or private viewing as part of the funeral ceremony or keep them preserved for medical purposes in an anatomical laboratory.

Pallbearers is are  several participants who help carry the casket at a funeral. They may wear white gloves in order to prevent damaging the casket and to show respect to the deceased person.

This when the deceased is prepared and dressed up in attires for viewing and gathering making the moment memorable for family members and friends.

An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave as a sign of sympathy and mourning.

Sanda also known as Kafan is the cloth or gown or sheet that is used to wrap the corpse before it is buried according to Muslim burial traditions.

The art of doing makeup on a dead body. Applying makeup on a dead person is not much different than on a living person by doing this leaves nice memories of the deceases' last moments other than the damaged body full of stitches.

Repatriation of remains is a service that provides coverage for the transportation of the covered individual’s bodily remains back to their area of principal residence, in the event of a covered illness or injury that results in death in a foreign country.

A memorial service is an event held after, or at any other time following the deceased's funeral. it is also referred to celebration of life.

Mainly we use Ordinary cement with bricks, stones and gravel, alternatively we also use Ceramic Tiles that usually appear in different colors lastly half bricks this depends on our clients preference 

One can use several Materials depending on ones preference starting with half bricks , ceramic tiles and marble.

An Order of Service Booklet provides a schedule of the ceremony and is given  out to mourners as they arrive or sent to people who can't attend.

Pre-planning provides you with the time needed to make practical, detailed decisions that reflect your way of lifestyle while still living.

The major difference comes in the shape of the container. Unlike a casket, a coffin has six sides and the top of the container is wide than the bottom. ... Unlike a casket where the lid is hinged, most coffins feature a lid that is removable and lifted off of the container.

The choices available when deciding on a coffin or casket are many and varied, and your choice will depend on many factors;

The wishes or personality of the deceased;

  • A preference for either a contemporary or more traditional style
  • The shape, design or color of the coffin/casket
  • Religious or cultural background
  • Whether the funeral is a burial or cremation
  • Budget
  • Environmental considerations

It is a vessel that is typically an ornamental vase on a pedestal and that is used for various purposes (such as preserving the ashes of the dead after cremation) these come in different sizes, shapes color and materials.

It is a vessel that is typically an ornamental vase on a pedestal and that is used for various purposes (such as preserving the ashes of the dead after cremation) these come in different sizes, shapes color and materials.

The disposal of a dead person's body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.

The disposal of a dead person's body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.

Embalming is the process of preserving a body by delaying the natural effects of death giving them a more peaceful appearance.

A post-mortem , also known as an autopsy, is the examination of a body after death. The aim of a post-mortem is to determine the cause of death.

UFS has made a lasting mark on high profile funerals. “We have handled disasters, for example; we single-handedly handled the funeral and outward repatriation services in the Entebbe Air crash situation where five foreigners perished in Lake Victoria in October 2000 in a CESSNA210 Aircraft,” she says.

The funeral and inward repatriation of fellow Ugandans in the incident of John Garang and 13 others who perished in a helicopter crash in July 2005 near the South Sudan border were handled by UFS. Another incident was when UPDF Air force crew enroute to Somalia crashed in the Kenya Mountains in August 2012, the funeral management was also handled by UFS. It is noteworthy that all these events were handled without closing their normal operations.

“We have two private storage facilities, and we are in the process of establishing more countrywide. We also have a large fleet of hearses for transportation to any part of the country and beyond the borders. We also have a sister company dealing in coffins/caskets. These combined with our trained youthful workforce make us a formidable force with the capacity to handle a sizable disaster,” she says.

Mukiibi(RIP) explained that UFS is fortunate in that it has both national and international membership to several Associations. When it comes to repatriations in-ward or outward, this membership plays a key role. “We have connections with Funeral Homes virtually all over the World. Mention the country and we have a contact.” she explains.

Impact on traditional funerals

The birth of UFS was a response to the already disintegrating ties that used to bind us together as a society.

“Our work pressures had started taking us away from our villages to towns, across borders and out of the continent. When death occurs however, we all need a quick shoulder to lean on. UFS today quickly provides that shoulder.” she explains.

Mukiibi (RIP) says with traditional funerals, one of the most significant features was the terror of death. “These days more and more human remains are prepared for viewing, they are therefore not as frightening as they used to be,” she says.

Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Archbishop of Kampala: 

In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1Thessalonians 5:18). Guided by these words of sacred Scripture, I join the Uganda Funeral Services family in celebrating this great landmark of 20 years in the service of humanity. We thank the Lord for the inspiration and guidance that he gave to the founders of this pioneer funeral service provider in our country. Yours is not an ordinary business but a service to humanity, both the living the dead, during a very difficult moment of death. You have resolutely carried out your mission of providing quality, compassionate and professional funeral services to all classes of people, at affordable terms. On my own behalf, and on behalf of the clergy, religious and faithful of Kampala Archdiocese, many of whom have benefited from your services, I congratulate you.

During this past year, we have been invited to ‘be merciful like our heavenly father’ by carrying out acts of mercy, one which is burying the dead. This obligation involves accompanying them with our prayerful supplication on their behalf. You have rightly begun your celebrations with a very special prayer; Mass for the dead. This ‘holy and pious’ commemoration forms part of our Catholic traditions. I encourage you to promote this spirituality in your services. This celebration further reminds us that life is an important gift from God, who alone has the right to take it when time comes. None of us has authority over our lives or that of others, right from the womb through old age.

Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala, Archbishop Emeritus of Kampala:

Many of us today are familiar with companies which give dignified service to our brothers and sisters at the end of their earthly life. The wording of their titles varies, but they end with funeral services. I hail Uganda Funeral Services because it was the first organized group to render funeral services.

They remind us of a Jew whom we read about in the holy books, that whenever he found the body of a dead fellow Jew, he would bury him (Tobit 1:15-18) Uganda Funeral Services has over the years inspired other people to set up similar services in various corners of Uganda. It is my hope that they too will be of the same spirit of respect and love for those bodies which St. Paul describes as temples of the Holy Spirit. I congratulate Uganda Funeral Services and wish it to continue the noble service to our brothers and sisters when they end their earthly life.

Haji Yunus Kakande, secretary Office of the President:

The Office of the President congratulates the management and staff of Uganda Funeral Services upon making it to the 20th anniversary. I have not seen any company for the last 20 years offering the same kind of service. You have exhibited professionalism and excellence. You have opened a door and set a good example for the other companies to join the field. I, therefore, unreservedly commend you for having opened a way for other companies to join the same industry

Teresa Saavedra, FIAT-IFTA International President:

Uganda Funeral Services has added the human component and transformed services that you are able to provide a family during the difficult time when a loved one has passed on. We are sure that as you look upon the years past you must recall all the circumstances, steps, difficulties or positive inputs that you have had; yet we are absolutely confident that you have made a difference in all the families that you have served. At the dawn of your 20th anniversary, we are proud to witness your impact, your devotion and passion in making this difference possible in Uganda and beyond.

Maggie Kigozi, President of Business and Professional Women.

I respect Regina Mukiibi (RIP) for building her own capacity in business and specifically in funeral services. She travelled with a business delegation to the USA where she was able to learn from state of the art funeral service providers. She also was able to train her daughter in funeral science in the US.

I am proud that a company that started when I was the Executive Director of UIA has succeeded beyond our expectations, becoming the number one funeral service provider in the country. The company has invested in infrastructure and capacity building and creates a number of jobs.

Gideon Badagawa,(RIP) Executive Director, Private Sector Foundation Uganda:

The Private Sector Foundation Uganda is proud to associate with the management and staff of Uganda Funeral Services on the auspicious occasion to mark 20 years in business. As pioneers in the professional funeral and hygienic mortuary management, UFS has excelled in the business and attained professional status as a member of the World Organization of Funeral Directors Operatives (FIAT-IFTA), Netherlands and the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) - Washington D.C (USA).

PSFU is glad to have been part of the growth agenda for the company through various expert support that has transformed both operations and human capital development . We congratulate you on your achievement and endeavors in the last 20 years and pray for your continued professionalization of the funeral industry not only in Uganda but beyond.